Friday, April 29, 2011


The hopeless romantic in me woke up at 6 to eat breakfast before a pre-anticipated run and of course catch a glimpse of the royal wedding....

And than fell asleep on the couch until 8:30 :( The sleep deprived cram sessions caught up with me.

But after 3 hours life guarding at the pool, class, workout, packing (minimal...but made the effort) than going for a run in the rain.... I was thankful for the extra couple hours of sleep.

Which made me think of What Else I'm Thankful For:

1. Family

Siblings are the best link to your past and the ones that will stick with you in the future

2. The ability to fall/feel/be/give love.
 [The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return]

Everything happens for a reason

3. My Un-Biological Fam Members

My Roomie, B-Lew Through Thick and Thin and Thousands of Miles Apart....You'll still be my best friend/common law sister

The friends that no matter how long between the times you see them and miles can still talk for hours and about anything like you did when you were 17

And my team mates :)

4. My Body

It's been a long time coming and I've had to go through alot in order to say this. But my body is the greatest tool that I have. It allows me to run, to push myself through tough workouts, to sweat, to feel the rush of endorphins. These legs are strong, and they can take me anywhere.

4. And than there's the little things that make me smile

Getting all my servings of vegetables in a hella' beast of a salad

No matter what the temperature...Tea is necessary. Swear to god, the stuff warms my soul.

Flowers can always put a huge smile on my face. These ones are the ones that my team game me and the room mate on Senior Day along with a beautiful picture collage and a homemade t shirt.
I bawled my eyes out teared up a bit.

The feeling of reaching the top of the mountain, sprinting that last mile, striding out further even though you legs feel like jelly, pushing out those last reps and striving to reach that new level and making it/ succeeding/achieving your goal.

And running in the rain. Makes me feel invincible. Plus you get to jump in puddles like a little kid.

What are you thankful for?? What are the little things in your day that make you smile?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Never never land

Ello' there,
I haven't posted it in a while...a long while. Truth is, I am over whelmed with something that I can no longer avoid...change.
The past few weeks, I have really struggling and worrisome about what is to come. The whole whats next phenomena initially threw me for a loop, taking my health and sanity on a bit of a downward spiral. As you know, college students when they get stressed significantly over consume alcohol. This has never been a huge problem with me until... the stress of decision came about and for a couple weeks I partook in this typical college characteristic...and lemme tell you, I felt like CRAP.
Finally, Approximately 16 days I came to realize what I need to do...

I need a Bull Sh*t Detox (pardon moi francais)

Here's my remedy for this banishment of my craptastic ways

1. Absolutely no alcohol consumption (until graduation...because one must celebrate freedom!!)

2. Listen to my body... I have to admit I have not been too kind to my shoulder (aka Chuck Norris) the last month. I maybe, kinda really have been pushing it so that it hurts. Its hard for me to not work out, so I need to find a workout that helps my arms, not hurts it!

3. Goodbye wonderful coffee and diet coke...while you keep me awake to study, you destroy my insides

4. No more cafeteria mystery dishes (All they do is peeve off my stomach, I'll going to stick to the salad bar)

5. Curry (aka comfort food!)

Yum!! Awful phone picture, but there's cauliflower, broccoli, yams, spinach, cashews and raisins
Curry in a Hurry
Delicious array of vegetables
Olive Oil
Almond Milk
Optional: Cashews, Raisins, Coconut Flakes
1. Steam the vegetables
2. Start cooking the garlic with the olive oil in a wok/frying pan
3. Toss in the vegetables
4. Sprinkle on the curry (according to your taste preference)
5. Splash a lil bit of Almond Milk
7. Add any other little fixings you can think of!

That's all I've got so far on my plans to revamp my attitude towards change. Basically if I had it my way, I'd play it like Peter Pan and seek out Never Never Land.
However, the only thing constant in life is change so may as well face it head on. Hello decisions, transitions and tough stuff, what's up? I'll be seeing you lots in the next little while.

Question: How do you deal with the stress of change?