My name is Alyssa. I am a 22 year old college graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and I have a passion for healthy living and wellness

I try to live a balanced lifestyle full of energizing nutrients and clean eats, lots of exercise and everything in between.

The way category in which I choose to eat for my lifestyle doesn't have a label, because I don't choose to put one on it. I believe in listening to your body and giving it what it needs Some foodage loves include sushi, dark chocolate, spaghetti squash, pumpkin with everything, green smoothies and salad beasts.

On a different spectrum, I am an endorphin junkie. I am a NETA certified group trainer that weekly teaches circuit classes and spin classes. I love trying new workouts and sweat rides. I'm open to anything when it comes to my fitness. I have dabbled with hot yoga, kettlebells and hiking, but am really in love with spinning, running (especially trails), p90x (tony horton is a genius) and circuits. My list of to-do workouts include kickboxing, pole dance, fencing (how sweet would that be?!) and swimming (I've mastered the doggie paddle...and that's it)

I started this blog as an outlet for a few passions of mine, food, cooking and fitness. As I said I have a passion for health and am hungry for knowledge. This blog is also a way to learn information and discover things about myself. Please feel free to comment on anything and everything :)

Also, I can be contacted with any comments or questions at:
Twitter:  http://twitter.com/#!/rabbitfood_lys Please follow me!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rabbit-Food/118998831517625#!/pages/Rabbit-Food/118998831517625?v=wall
Google Mail: alyssa.rabbit.food@gmail.com