Monday, May 30, 2011 complete me

On Friday afternoon I got a lifechanging call from our little healthfood store:
"Your alternative cheese that you ordered is in."

Today, I went to get it and tried Daiya Vegan Cheese for the very time.....

My life was changed forever. You are so much more than an alternative Daiya, you are a revolution for my kind.

Vegan Portobello Pizza
2 Portobello Mushrooms
Tomato Sauce of Choice (I used a can of unsalted tomato sauce, TBSP on spicy hummus and clove of garlic)
Chopped Spinach
Daiya Cheese
1.Wash 'schrooms and de-stem 'em. Coat the Portobellos with olive oil and broil until soft in the oven.
2. Prepare the tomato sauce in a pan, add in the fixings (hummus and garlic, oregano and any other italian spice would be yummy too.
3. When the 'shrooms are ready, top with tomato sauce, spinach and cheese
4. Devour!!!

What are your favourite uses for this amazing cheese? (Please enlighten me, I'm excited to explore other uses!)


  1. so jealous! thy dnt sell daiya in the UK! I so badly wna try it!!

  2. I had to get it special ordered in to my little town, definitly worth it. Little pricey though (7 dollars for an itty bitty bag...eeek)! If I could, I'd send ya some cus I'm pretty sure everyone needs to experience this!
